Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Usual Breakfast

My Usual Breakfast
Originally uploaded by gelato.maker
This is my usual breakfast(oats with milk), today was extra  special because I had some leftover strawberries and blueberries from making a cake. Oats and raisins, oats and bananas, oats and milo, oats and green apple, they are all just as good and my day wouldn't start right without a cold bowl of soaked oats.

Wow I actually got around to posting on the blog again. Running the store took that much out of me that I really didn't have the energy for anything ice cream related for a while. It has been 3 months since ice queen shut down and my life seems to be starting to get back to normal again. No stressing over stocks, ingredients, new flavors, workers not being able to turn up for work. 

Okay thats enough of dipping my toe back into anything ice cream related for now. 

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